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Meet a FarrPointer - Anna Stewart


Meet a FarrPointer - Anna Stewart

Meet Anna, Senior Marketing and Design Executive at FarrPoint, who also holds the unofficial title of the company's Head of Social Committee. Always cheerful and smiley, Anna is the creative behind our design work, always busy 'jazzing things up'.

It's time for our regular interviewer, Anna, to switch roles and experience being interviewed for the Meet a FarrPointer feature.

You started at FarrPoint in 2022 as a Marketing Executive and since been promoted to Senior Design and Marketing Executive (well done!). Is this what you saw your career path to be when you were a kid?

No, haha, when I was a kid, I spent hours pretending to own a horse riding school, drawing horse profiles in a large ring-binder folder, pretending to schedule lessons, and using my rocking horse to practise doing different lengths of stirrups. It wasn't until university that I decided to go into Marketing. After a stint in the Marketing world, I studied graphic design. Now, I’m lucky to have a role at FarrPoint that combines my marketing and design experience.

What has been your favourite FarrPoint moment / project so far?

I really enjoy working on design projects with consultants, which means I can translate their words into visuals. I'm often impressed with the work consultants produce and their knowledge, so it's nice when they find my design work impressive, too—it's very rewarding.

What's the most 'out of the box' thing you've had to do for work so far? FarrPoint or anywhere else.

This one is easy – I used to work at an agency in Edinburgh where I did a lot of photoshoot styling, and one shoot we did was for Seafood Week. Considering I get freaked out by fish and sea creatures, cleaning the eyes of a dead Plaice and shining up the shell of the Crab was a challenge, but I got stuck in and tried not to gag too much.

Anna working with a photographer on a photoshoot for Seafood Week.

Anna working on a photoshoot for Seafood Week

What does Anna's typical weekend look like?

I don’t have a typical weekend – but it is always busy. I like to make lots of weekend plans and my husband sometimes has to put me on a plan ban because I put too much in the joint calendar (shout out (this will open in a new window)TimeTree – best calendar app ever). But there will always be a nice dog walk with my Westie Zola, normally some kind of social occasion with friends, and I’ll try to pop over to see my parents.

Anna enjoying her weekends with her family dogs and friends.

What your dream destination? Imagine you're given a free month of holiday and £20k - what do you do?

Wouldn't that be nice! I recently went to Colombia, and it made me want to travel more of South America. Peru, Argentina, and Brazil would all be on the list. I am always planning my next trip and love a holiday itinerary full of activities and restaurant bookings, so there would be a packed plan for the month.

Anna and her husband Chris on their recent trip to Colombia.

Anna and her husband Chris on their recent trip to Colombia.

What's been the biggest adventure of your life so far?

It's probably a bit cliche, but I’d say travel – I’ve been so lucky to travel to some amazing places, and I think it is the best way to learn about the world and yourself. If I had to pick a particular place - it would be my volunteering trip to Kolkata, India. I organised the trip myself and not through an organisation, so I felt like I had a more authentic volunteer experience. I lived with a local family, and they became like a second family. I taught English at a very basic school in the slums. We also played lots of games, and they would attempt to teach me some traditional dance moves. The school attendance almost doubled while I was there as everyone was interested in seeing the random British girl teaching at the school - as for many, it was the first time they had seen one in real life (a kid even bit me because she didn't think I was real haha!)

Anna volunteering in India.

Books or films?

I would say films but would probably choose TV series over both.

What's the best thing you've watched recently?

I recently watched the (this will open in a new window)Diary of a CEO podcast interview(this will open in a new window) with Russ Cook, also known as "The Hardest Geezer". He is an ultra-endurance athlete and is best known for being the first person to run the entire length of Africa. I thought it was amazing – what a guy! 100% worth a listen. Also, shout out to my Bridgerton fans – the new season is out, and I’m loving it!

Who would play you in a movie and why?

I don't really have a favourite celebrity or think I look like one. Growing up, I was obsessed with the(this will open in a new window) Olsen twins (like most millennial girls) so maybe one of them. When I asked my mum and sister they suggested(this will open in a new window) Florence Pugh. I think it's just because she's short and blonde like me. But she's an amazing actress and would nail a great Scottish accent, so let's go with her!

A fact that people at FarrPoint may not know about you.

My husband loves to take the mick and tell people that I played Rounders for Scotland, joking that I represented my country in a sport that many (most) don't even consider a real sport. The truth is, at my school, almost everyone got selected, and we were thoroughly beaten by England, so it wasn’t exactly an accomplishment. But I can throw pretty far, which is something not everyone knows about me.

Another would be, if you type 'dogs' into my iPhone image search, it comes up with 2016 photos of dogs. Here is the evidence.

Anna's iPhone search evidence.

Anna's iPhone search evidence.

Who would you like to nominate for the next interview?

The new Economist Analyst we are currently recruiting for. Could it be you? Read the job description and apply.


We are always interested in speaking with good people who would like to pursue a career at FarrPoint, visit our careers page or get in touch.

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