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Independent Cellular Coverage Mapping


Independent Cellular Coverage Mapping

We are proud to have developed an innovative and cost-effective cellular coverage mapping and assurance solution. It provides independent assurance of cellular service coverage for each available service provider in a given area. The result is an interactive real-world visualization based on measured signal strength data, highlighting areas with no coverage or low coverage across all service providers.

About FarrPoint's Cellular Mapping Solution

Watch FarrPoint's video which explains how the mapper works and details the benefits it can provide.

How does our cellular coverage survey solution work?

Our cellular coverage mapper is an autonomous network monitoring tool that provides real-world performance statistics of all available cellular networks in the surveyed area. The unit is typically placed in the trunk of a vehicle and powered by the 12V auxilliary power plug. Up to five small antennae are temporarily mounted on the trunk lid. During the survey period, the unit simultaneously measures cellular signal strength of each carrier’s signal in the surveyed area. The data is sent to Farrpoint’s cloud servers in real time for processing. Units can also be mounted in utility vehicles for long-term measurement. The result is an independent physical survey of Cellular coverage producing a true picture of service availability.

We've helped various clients to accurately define cellular coverage in their area

Along with many projects in the UK, our Mapper has been deployed in Canada in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, providing public agencies with accurate cellular coverage information across all service providers. The mapper is typically installed on utility vehicles that travel extensively within the jurisdiction in question. The mapper can be easily installed in any vehicle, including ATVs. There is a backpack version that can even be carried on foot on wilderness trails

Why knowing actual signal coverage data is important?

Benefits of getting independent cellular coverage data in your area

Mapping examples

Image 1: New Brunswick cellular coverage interactive map

New Brunswick cellular coverage interactive map

Image 2: Newcastle covered for all UK operators

NC500 4G coverage map for all UK operator

Key features

Case studies:

We develop solutions together with our clients

Email [email protected] to find out more.

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